I have a niece
named Tiffany. I really love Tiffany and
she’s fun for me to spend time with.
Tiffany is also a genius law school student. So she’s learning to argue as a
profession. I argue as a hobby and
always enjoy having discussions with her.
I’m not always the
most cooperative with her, though. In a
way, that’s fun for me. She doesn’t
think it’s as fun as I do. Right now she’s
learning about “negotiation”. I think
she’s even taking a class in this. She
doesn’t have such an easy time negotiating with me. *chuckle*
This weekend she asked for suggestions if she has to “negotiate” with
someone who is like me. I don’t know
what to tell her. I frustrate her when
she asks questions and I only give her limited answers.
Tiffany: Did you go see a movie earlier?
Tiffany: Did you go see a movie earlier?
Me: Yes.
What movie did you see?
Me: Yes,
I saw a movie.
What was the title?
Me: The
title of what?
The movie! What was the title of
the movie you saw earlier?
Me: It
wasn’t as good as I thought it would be.
Sometimes I give a
bit of information, but she knows there’s more.
She wants the additional information, but I just don’t give it out!
Tiffany: Do you know where the nearest gas station is?
Tiffany: Do you know where the nearest gas station is?
Me: Yes.
Well, where is it?
Me: Down the street nearby.
Now don’t think I
just hassle my niece all the time, because it’s not like that. We actually have quite a bit in common. We do have chats where I give her all the
information she wants occasionally. And
we do laugh at a lot of the same things.
And she does occasionally hassle me back.
As I said earlier,
my nice is a law school genius. She told
me her mind is like a file cabinet and she stores and sorts through all the
information she learns there. I like to try
and disorganize her files.
*chuckle* While other 22 year old
girls are asking for phone numbers, my niece asks me for my social security
number so she can memorize it. What the
hell does she need that for? Who
knows? She just said she’d like to have
it “just in case”. Right. So I gave this smart girl my social. Then while she’s trying to memorize it, I
kept repeating other numbers trying to confuse her. Sadly, that didn’t work at all and as I write
this she can probably still spout those numbers off. (Don’t
be posting that number as a comment on facebook or my blog!) Yes, she reads my blogs. *chuckle*
On another note,
last week I noticed a game was released called Elder Scrolls Online
Morrowind. At first I thought it was a
remake of the old Morrowind video game I had played on my original Xbox. That’s an old game! A remake?
Meh, why would I want a remake?
But looking into things a bit deeper, I found out that this is an expansion
for an online role playing game. It
looked interesting. So you can run
around and play by yourself with other players around you, or you can decide to
team up with other characters. Why not
take a chance on this? I figured I could
order and receive the game for my Playstation 4 by last Thursday, and then have
it all installed and updated by the weekend so I could play it then. Sadly, that’s not what happened.
I did get
the game Thursday morning (Fantastic delivery time by Amazon.com!) and slid the
CD into my Playstation 4. Checking the
back of the case I find out the basic game takes up 85 gigabytes of space. 85 GBS! Holy cow!
Well hopefully the graphics should be fantastic. That’s the largest file I’ve ever installed
anywhere on any kind of electronic devise!
Damn! But that’s not the end of
it! Once it was installed on my
Playstation, there is now over a 46 GB download to go along with it! 46 GB?
That’s going to take me almost a damn week to get downloaded, and that’s
if I stay off the internet! What the
hell? This had best be the greatest game
in the history of games!
So I started
the download slog. Every so often I
pause the download so I can watch YouTube, or Netflix, or just surf the
web. I end up watching other people on
YouTube playing the Morrowind game! It
actually DOES look pretty good! Now I
can’t wait to play it! As I write this,
I have an approximate 33 hours left of downloading to do to complete the game
so I can play it. Sheesh, talk about
Well, back
to letting my 33 hour download continue. I’ll
probably pause it a few times to do a few other things so
this will probably take me the rest of the week to finish. Ah well, more time to text vague things to my
niece. *chuckle*
So why is my
niece fun? She just is! And hopefully Morrowind will be fun too, if I
ever get to play it. So while I’m
finishing up my download and annoying Tiffany, keep asking why!
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