I had no immediate
emergencies this week. My PC is working
fine, my car is running great, and my air conditioning is keeping me cool. (I’ll pay a huge amount to the electric
company for the AC, but I’m not worried about that at the moment.) So what to do this week for my days off?
Well, I thought I
would drive over to the local Toys R Us store and see what kind of toys are out
there for kids today. I have fond
memories of toys from when I was a young boy.
It seems like today kids just play with a lot of electronic stuff. It’s not unusual to see a kid running around
with a cell phone. There are a lot of
really neat video games and electronic things out there now, but part of me
really misses the good, old fashioned Wiffle ball and bat kind of toys.
With that in mind,
I went to Toys R Us looking for what’s good.
Sadly, I came away disappointed.
First, I didn’t find a Wiffle ball and bat. I did find this:
A Swerve Ball. So what am I supposed to do with this? Just throw it back and forth with a neighbor
kid? I need a Wiffle Bat to go along
with this! What I want is a Wiffle Bat
and ball! Amazon has this stuff! Check out this link:
YEAH! Now that’s what I’m talking about! Unfortunately, I don’t think too many kids
today are playing with those now. That
makes me sad. (And probably saves a few windows.
Yes, I’ve broken at least one window with a Wiffle Ball.)
I moved on in the
store and found some toy condiments. Not
really my thing. I’m sure there are kids
who might like pretend condiments, but I’d rather have real condiments and real
Next I came across
what I can only assume was the dart gun/Nerf section. There was some Nerf stuff and a few dart
guns. They didn’t look the same as they
did when I was a kid. And how about
Those little,
yellow balls say they’re “High Impact Rounds”.
Who are you going to shoot with those?
Yes I know you can shoot little brothers, but you’re going to lose the
gun once mom finds out! High Impact
Rounds, really? What the hell? And people wonder why kids today are so
Where are the fun
toys? The toys I can at least play with
my brother for a little bit of time before getting into trouble? Damn!
I did find some Toy Story dolls.
Back when the movie came out in 1995 they only had Buzz Lightyear and
Sheriff Woody dolls. Now you can at
least also get Jessie, Rex, and Bullseye dolls, too. Sadly they’re $44.99. Can this stuff be any
more expensive? What happened to the plastic Army Men from the movie? They used to
come in buckets for a few dollars, didn’t they?
Ok, I did find a
bucket of Toy Story Army Men for $14.99. What the hell?
The best thing about the Army Men was that they were cheap and you could
have a lot of them! Now they aren’t even
cheap anymore! Again, how about
Amazon? I did find a small bag of
plastic Army Men for $5.99. That had 36
men, but how about a package with 1,000 plastic Army men in it? Two sides, two colors! Now this is more like it! I’d love this as a kid and you’d have these
things all over the house!
Here’s the Amazon
link for the 1,000 if anyone decides they need that. I may decide I need this one day!
So I didn’t really
enjoy my trip to Toys R Us. I think the toys of today suck. I looked at the
selection of Hot Wheels cars and they just didn’t look the same to me. What happened to all the realistic type of
cars? I couldn’t find any G.I. Joe stuff
either. Where did he go? I’m not happy about that at all. I may have to search Amazon for some G.I. Joe
Kids don’t go
outside and play the way they used to.
They don’t ride bikes up and down the street. The world has become unsafe and the toys suck
now! I’m glad I grew up when I did. I think the toys were so much better back then. So why do toys suck now? I don’t know, they just do. Keep asking why until next week.
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