Sunday, February 5, 2017

Week 5: Why do movies suck now?

Why do movies seem so bad now?  I decided to go and see a movie last night and it wasn’t the most pleasant experience.  Let’s start with my trying to buy a ticket.

Now you can buy movie tickets online before you even get to the theater.  I didn’t bother with that because I found a pre-purchased ticket that I had forgotten having.  That should get me in to see the movie, so I should be all set.  I just need to stop off at the box office and present that, right?  Nope.

I get to the theater and when I show my pre-purchased ticket the guy still charges me $1.50.  I’ve already paid for my ticket, but now I have to pay more?  What the hell kind of scam is this?  I’m already upset now!  I went to the theater to see the movie Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.  It’s been out for quite a while and I had been waiting for the crowds to die down before I went to see it.  No crowds for this film!

After paying my $1.50 scam money I was asked to pick out my seat.  The clerk shows me a screen and tells me I can’t sit in the best row in the theater because that’s reserved for handicapped people.  It’s ten minutes before show time and no handicapped people have picked out seats in the row, but I’m still not allowed to sit there because I guess a huge amount of handicapped people may still show up.  And so I end up picking a seat in the very back row.

I get into the theater and see there’s maybe ten other people there to see the show with me, none of them handicapped, so none of us can sit in the good row.  Finally the show is ready to start.  Does the movie begin when it’s supposed to?  Nope!  I have to sit through fifteen minutes of previews for movies that I really don’t want to see!  Why do movies seem to be so bad to me now a days?  What happened to the good writing?  Back when movies were still black and white they were good because the story had to be good or you wouldn’t want to see it.  Now it just seems like movies are nothing but two hour long special effects shows.

The movie does finally start and most of the way through it I still have no idea what most of the main character’s names are.  The characters are so overshadowed by special effects and explosions and robots and things that I never really get to know them very well. 

Here’s…What’s his name fighting a bunch of guys!  This robot, or droid, or whatever shows up and makes a smart ass remark!  Then a midget fires a machine gun!  Boom, boom, boom!  There’s kind of a story there, but…damn.

I can see why so many remakes of movies are being made now a days.  Ghostbusters was a great movie, I would even say a classic!  Remaking a classic is a mistake though, if you ask me.  Come up with something original.  King Kong was made three times that I can think of.  STOP DOING THAT!  Please leave King Kong alone!

What are kids today growing up with?  I fondly remember The Wrath of Khan, and Ghostbusters, and the original Star Wars movies.  What do kids today have, superhero movies jammed with CGI and special effects?  I need to find me a decent movie with no special effects to restore my faith that Hollywood can still make something decent.

Until I can find my good, current movie, keep asking questions!

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